Guide to Page Speed: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

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In today’s fast-paced online world, page speed is a necessity. When was the last time you waited more than a few seconds for a web page to load? Probably not recently. That’s because slow websites frustrate users, increase bounce rates, and hurt your search engine rankings. So, if you’re running a business online or just maintaining a website, ensuring that your site loads quickly is one of the most important things you can do.

But what exactly is page speed? How do you improve it? And more importantly, how does it affect your bottom line? Let’s break it down step by step, in a way that’s easy to understand and apply.

What is Page Speed?

Page speed is basically how fast a web page loads after someone clicks on a link or enters a URL. It sounds straightforward, but a lot of things come into play – like how your server performs, the size of your images, any scripts running in the background, and even what kind of device or internet connection the user has.

There are several main ways to measure page speed:

  • Load Time (Fully Loaded Page): How long it takes for the entire page—images, text, scripts, everything—to fully load. It’s the simplest way to measure the overall loading speed of a page.
  • Time to First Byte (TTFB): How quickly the browser starts getting data from the server. If you’ve ever clicked on a page and been stuck waiting for something to load, that delay is caused by TTFB.
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP): How long it takes for the first visible piece of content to show up on the screen, so the user knows something is happening. This is basically the time it takes for a page to load enough resources so the user can start reading the content.
  • First Input Delay (FID): The time it takes for your website to react to a user action, such as clicking a button.
OM Web Agency Google page speed test results

These metrics are super important because they directly impact the user experience. Studies show that if your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, over half of the users will just leave. And once they’re gone, chances are they won’t come back. So, every second really does make a difference.

There are many ways to measure page speed, and no single metric is the ultimate standard. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. The key is to work on improving your page loading speed across all the metrics you identify.

Why Page Speed Matters

Page speed isn’t just something for developers to worry about – it can have a direct impact on your business’s success. Here’s why speeding up your website should be a top priority:

User Experience

People are impatient online. If your site takes too long to load, they’ll quickly bounce over to a competitor. It’s that simple. Fast-loading websites don’t just keep users on the page- they also give off an air of reliability. Think about it: when a website loads instantly, it feels more professional, and you’re more inclined to explore further.

Websites that load quickly also tend to have lower bounce rates and higher user engagement, which sends positive signals to search engines. This can improve visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and potentially attract more organic traffic to the site.

Did you know that:

  • If a webpage takes longer than 3 seconds to load, there’s a 53% chance that visitors will abandon it.
  • One out of two people expect a page to load in less than 2 seconds.
  • 46% of people cite slow-loading pages as their biggest frustration.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Google has factored page speed into its rankings since 2010. In 2018, they doubled down by emphasizing “page experience,” especially for mobile users. If your site is slow, you’ll likely see lower rankings, which means less traffic. Since SEO is important to your business, improving page speed isn’t just helpful – it’s necessary.

Beginning July 5, 2024, Google will no longer index websites that aren’t optimized for mobile. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, it risks losing its indexing and ranking on Google.

Conversion Rates

Page speed and conversion rates are closely linked. For every second your page takes to load, you could see a 7% drop in conversions. That might not sound huge, but if you’re running an online store, that could add up to a lot of lost sales. For instance, Amazon once calculated that just a 1-second delay could cost them $1.6 billion in lost revenue each year. Google discovered that just a half-second increase in search page generation time can lead to a 20% drop in traffic.

While you may not be Amazon or Google, every visitor and sale counts, right?

Mobile Performance

It’s no surprise that mobile traffic is dominating the internet, as more than 60% of all online searches are now conducted on mobile devices. Mobile users tend to be even more sensitive to slow load times since they’re often on slower connections or limited data plans. Making sure your site loads quickly on mobile isn’t just a good idea – it’s essential if you want to keep visitors engaged.

In addition to improving page speed, it’s important to prioritize Mobile SEO. Our Mobile SEO service is designed to optimize your website for better visibility and higher rankings in mobile search engine results, ensuring your site performs well on all mobile devices. You can read more about this topic on our blog: Mobile SEO: Boost your Rankings and Improve Performance

What Affects Page Speed?

Now that we know why page speed matters, let’s break down what actually impacts it. Page speed is influenced by both the front-end (what users see) and the back-end (how the server operates). Here’s a look at some key factors:

1. Server Response Time

Your server is the first thing users interact with when they load your site. If your server is slow, the entire experience suffers. A sluggish server could be due to poor hosting, too much traffic without enough resources to handle it, or inefficient backend processes like unoptimized databases.

This often happens with low-cost or shared hosting options provided by hosting companies and registrars. While smaller sites and businesses tend to be more affected, larger sites can also experience this if their hosting resources aren’t scaled up as their traffic and popularity grow.

How to Fix It:

  • Upgrade your hosting provider: Don’t go for the cheapest option. Reliable hosting is crucial.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN reduces the physical distance between your server and users, speeding up load times, especially for global traffic.
  • Optimize your backend: Clean up your database, reduce unnecessary server requests, and ensure that your server can handle high traffic without slowing down.

A faster server response lays the groundwork for everything else, making it an essential first step in improving page speed.

2. Image Sizes

High-resolution images are great for aesthetics, but they’re one of the biggest culprits for slow load times. Large image files take longer to download, especially on mobile devices or slower connections. Often optimizing images provides the greatest impact on Page Speed. Images typically account for more than 50% of a page’s total size.

How to Fix It:

  • Compress images using tools like TinyPNG, or ImageOptim without sacrificing quality. WordPress users can use Imagify to compress and optimize images.
  • Use the appropriate file format—JPEGs for photos, PNGs for graphics with transparent backgrounds, and WebP for a good balance of quality and size.
  • Implement lazy loading, so images only load when they appear on the user’s screen. To keep the user experience and performance optimal, do not lazyload images or other elements above the fold

3. JavaScript, HTML and CSS Files

While JavaScript and CSS are necessary for adding functionality and styling to your website, large or unoptimized files can slow down your site. JavaScript files that load too early can block the rendering of your page, meaning the user might see a blank screen for a few seconds.

Start by cleaning up any bloated code on your page. This could be from outdated features or poor development practices. The cleaner your code, the faster your site will load.

How to Fix It:

  • Minify your JavaScript, HTML and CSS files to reduce their size.
  • Defer or asynchronously load JavaScript to ensure that it doesn’t block the rest of the page from loading.
  • Only load essential CSS and defer non-critical styles.

4. Caching

Caching allows your website to store a version of itself in a user’s browser, meaning it doesn’t have to fully reload every time they visit. This can dramatically improve load times for returning visitors.

Remember that this won’t speed up load times for first-time visitors. You can enable browser caching by adjusting your .htaccess file or using a WordPress / Joomla plugin.

How to Fix It:

  • Implement browser caching so that frequently used elements (like your logo or footer) don’t have to be re-downloaded every time a user visits.
  • Use server-side caching to serve pages faster, especially if your site has a lot of dynamic content.

5. Too Many HTTP Requests

Every time a browser loads a page, it makes several HTTP requests to retrieve files like images, stylesheets, and scripts. The more requests a page makes, the slower it loads.

To check the number of HTTP requests for a page you can use Google Chrome. Open the page in Chrome, right-click anywhere on it, and select “Inspect”. You’ll access Google’s developer tools, referred to as Chrome DevTools. Click on the “Network” tab and reload the page to gather data. You’ll see all HTTP requests, along with their sizes and loading times. This includes requests for images, plugins, JavaScript, CSS files, and more.

How to Fix It:

  • Reduce the number of files your page needs to load. This could mean combining CSS and JavaScript files or reducing the number of plugins you use.
  • Use a tool to see which requests are slowing down your site and address them accordingly. A list of tools is available bellow.

6. Web Fonts

Custom web fonts can enhance your website’s design but often come at a cost to load times. Each font file adds extra HTTP requests, and large font files can delay rendering.

How to Fix It:

  • Limit the number of custom fonts and weights you use.
  • Use font-display: swap in your CSS to avoid blank text while fonts are loading.
  • Optimize font files by using modern formats like WOFF2.

Check and Reduce Redirects

Redirects can increase your page load time. In some instances, a page may go through multiple redirects before arriving at its final destination.

A redirect happens when a user clicks on one URL but is automatically directed to a different one.For example, if a page’s URL changes from “” to “,” the redirect will automatically take users to the updated page.

How to Fix It:

  • Check and identify how many temporary and permanent redirects you have
  • Delete the unnecessary redirects

Tools to Measure and Improve Page Speed

Now that we’ve covered what affects page speed, let’s talk about how you can measure it. There are several tools available that can analyze your site and give you specific recommendations for improvement. I recommend testing your page speed using at least two different tools.

  1. Google PageSpeed Insights
    This free tool from Google analyzes your website’s performance on both desktop and mobile and provides recommendations for improvement. It also includes a score, so you can track your progress over time. First, launch the tool and paste the URL of the page you want to analyze into the search bar. Next, click on “Analyze”. At the top of the report, you’ll find an overall evaluation of the page’s performance: either “Passed” or “Failed”.
  2. GTmetrix
    GTmetrix provides a detailed breakdown of your page speed, including the number of requests, load time, and total page size. It’s great for seeing exactly which elements are slowing down your site.
  3. Pingdom
    Similar to GTmetrix, Pingdom offers a quick snapshot of your site’s speed, as well as recommendations for improvement. It also lets you test your site from different locations around the world.
  4. WebPageTest
    For more advanced users, WebPageTest allows you to run detailed tests on your website, including how it performs on different devices and connections. It’s a powerful tool for diagnosing specific issues. What’s also great about WebPageTest is that it loads your page in a real browser, giving you detailed insights into which specific elements are slowing down your page load times.
  5. Lighthouse
    Lighthouse is an open-source automated tool designed to enhance the performance, quality, and accuracy of your web applications.

Core Web Vitals – how it effects Page Speed

Core Web Vitals are essential metrics thresholds that Google uses to assess how well your website delivers a good user experience. These metrics focus on three main areas: loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. They’re important because they not only reflect user satisfaction but also influence your SEO rankings. Here’s a closer look at each one:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

So, what is LCP? It measures how long it takes for the largest piece of content on your page, like an image or a big block of text to fully load. This is crucial because it directly impacts how users perceive the loading speed of your site. Ideally, you want your LCP to be under 2.5 seconds. The faster this content loads, the happier your visitors will be, which means less waiting around and less frustration!

A good LCP value is 2.5 seconds or less, while anything above 4.0 seconds is considered poor. Values between 2.5 and 4.0 seconds indicate a need for improvement.

Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Next up is INP. INP aims to measure how long the next visual update is being delayed. When users don’t receive immediate visual feedback, they might feel that the page isn’t responding quickly enough. To address this issue, INP was created to help developers assess this aspect of user experience.

An optimal INP value is 200 milliseconds or less, with anything above 500 milliseconds considered poor. Values between 200 and 500 milliseconds suggest there's room for improvement.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Lastly, there’s CLS. This one measures how often the elements on your page shift around unexpectedly while loading. Imagine trying to click a button and it suddenly moves—super annoying, right? A good CLS score is below 0.1. Keeping your layout stable means your visitors can navigate your site without any surprises, leading to a much smoother experience.

A good CLS score is 0.1 or lower, while a score above 0.25 is considered poor. Scores between 0.1 and 0.25 indicate room for improvement.

Long-term Strategies for Page Speed Optimization

To maintain fast, consistent website performance, optimizing page speed needs to be an ongoing effort, not just a one-time task. Tools like PageSpeed and GTMetrix are great for pinpointing speed issues, but it’s essential to implement a long-term strategy that includes regular audits, content tweaks, and server improvements to ensure your site stays optimized.

Regular Speed & Performance Audits

Conducting regular performance audits allows you to catch issues early before they affect user experience. Staying on top of your website’s performance means you’ll spot slowdowns and be able to make improvements as needed.

  • Scheduled Reviews: Aim for monthly or quarterly audits using tools like Google Lighthouse or WebPageTest. This helps you identify slow-loading pages and areas that need fixing.
  • Benchmarking: Compare your website’s speed with industry standards and competitors. This shows where your site stands and what can be enhanced.
  • Actionable Reports: Use detailed reports to highlight specific issues like large image files, unoptimized scripts, or excessive HTTP requests. These reports help you create a prioritized plan of action.

Content Optimization

To keep your website fast and efficient, ongoing content optimization is essential. By compressing images, minifying code, and streamlining your website’s structure, you can significantly improve load times and enhance the overall user experience.

Image Compression: Use Tools that reduce image file sizes without sacrificing quality. Implementing responsive images ensures that the correct size is delivered based on the user’s device, further optimizing load times.

Code Minification: By minifying your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using tools like UglifyJS or CSSNano, you remove unnecessary characters and reduce the overall file size, helping your pages load faster.

Lazy Loading: This technique ensures that images and videos are only loaded when they are about to be viewed, rather than during the initial page load. Lazy loading improves initial load times, especially on content-heavy pages.

Server and Hosting Improvements

Optimizing your server and hosting setup is essential for keeping your website fast and reliable. By selecting a trustworthy hosting provider, utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN), and fine-tuning your server settings, you can really make a difference in load times for users all over the world.

  • Quality Hosting: First things first, choose a hosting provider known for fast server response times. A good host can handle traffic spikes and keep your site running smoothly, which is crucial for user experience.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Ever notice how some websites load faster than others? A CDN like Cloudflare or Akamai can help with that. It distributes your content across several servers worldwide, so users get data from the closest location. This means quicker load times and a better overall experience for your visitors.
  • Server Optimization: Finally, don’t forget to optimize your server settings. Enable Gzip compression to reduce file sizes, cache static content to speed things up, and minimize the time to first byte (TTFB) by using quick DNS services. Also, taking a close look at your database queries can help improve performance.

By regularly applying these strategies, you’ll not only boost your site’s speed but also enhance user satisfaction and climb those SEO rankings. Remember, a fast website keeps visitors happy and coming back for more!

Real-Life Example: How Page Speed Impacts Business

Let me share a story that really highlights the impact of improving page speed. One of my clients, an e-commerce business, was seeing something odd. Their bounce rate on mobile was much higher than on desktop, which made them lose potential customers. So, we ran a page speed test, and the problem became clear: the mobile load time was over 6 seconds. Now, we all know no one waits that long for a site to load – especially when shopping online.

We tackled it by compressing images (which were way too large), cleaning up some JavaScript that was slowing things down, and implementing lazy loading so that the most important content showed up first. In the end, we got the mobile load time down to just under 3 seconds. And here’s the kicker: their mobile conversions jumped by 20%. Just by speeding up the site, their bottom line improved noticeably.

I’ve seen similar results with another client in a completely different industry. They run a local service-based business, and their site was taking over 5 seconds to load. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s long enough to frustrate visitors and push them toward competitors. We switched them to faster hosting, integrated a content delivery network (CDN) to speed things up, and cached their pages to make everything run smoother. Within a few weeks, their bounce rate dropped, and the number of appointments they booked online shot up.

These examples show how page speed isn’t just a technical detail; it directly impacts your business. Whether you’re selling products or booking services, people want speed. If your site takes too long to load, you’re losing out, plain and simple.

Wrapping Up: Make Page Speed a Priority

To wrap things up, let’s make one thing clear: page speed isn’t just some technical mumbo-jumbo… it’s a key driver for user experience, SEO, and even your conversions. Whether you’ve got a small blog or a big e-commerce store, making your pages faster can lead to more engaged visitors, better search engine rankings, and ultimately more revenue in your pocket.

If you’re not sure where to begin, start by running a speed test on your site. There are plenty of free tools out there to help you do this. Once you’ve got the results, look for the easy wins – maybe you’ve got some massive images slowing things down, or maybe your JavaScript is a bit too bloated. Start with those, and you’ll be surprised how much difference a few tweaks can make.

And remember, in today’s fast-paced digital world, every second counts – literally! So don’t underestimate the power of a quicker site – it could be the game-changer your business needs.

Are you losing visitors and potential revenue because your website takes too long to load? We’d love to chat how we can elevate your site’s performance and help you create a seamless user experience.